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Vaka Atafaga
Pacific Nursing Service

Mission of Statement
Our mission is to work in partnership with fanau to ahieve positive health outcomes by utilising culturally and ethically based professional nursing practice.
Vaka Atafaga Pacific Nursing Service (VAPNS) is recognised as a centre of excellence for shaping and influencing positive health and wellness outcomes for Pacific fanau.
As a service we foreground the needs of the fanau. We will demand excellence of ourselves in delivering services that make a difference to our tamamanu.
Our values are embedded in Pacific Worldviews as expressed in the Tokelau concept of 'Inati' and 'Alofa ki te tamānu’. These are understood as values of:
The fair and equitable shaping of resources.
Compassion, and transparency.
Respectfulness, integrity, openness and honesty because the notion of Vā/relationship matters.
We will take an intelligent approach to actively innovate primary health nursing for Pacific fanau.

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